tiOPF |
Free, Open Source Object Persistence Framework for Free Pascal & Delphi |
DUnit2 or FPTest - the eXtreme testing frameworks used in the tiOPF.
FinalBuilder, used for automating the build process: http://www.finalbuilder.com/
Interbase 6.01 server and client (or higher). NOTE: The interbase persistence layer will not work with the versions of Interbase and IBX that come with Delphi 5 http://info.borland.com/devsupport/interbase/opensource/#ibx
Firebird, the open source replacement for Interbase http://www.ibphoenix.com/
Interbase Express components (IBX) http://codecentral.borland.com/codecentral/ccweb.exe/author?authorid=102
Component for colour syntax highlighting of SQL in the tiSQLManager and tiSQLEditor: http://synedit.sourceforge.net/
If you are going to use the ADO persistence layer with Delphi 5, make sure you have applied the D5 ADO Exprdess upgrade pack 2: http://info.borland.com/devsupport/delphi/downloads/index.html
The Oracle persistence layer was written with 'Direct Oracle Access' DOA: http://www.allroundautomations.nl/
FBLib Firebird Library is another component suite used to implement a Firebird persistence layer. It is also a cross-platform component suite talking directly to Firebird. You can download it from: http://fblib.altervista.org/. Alternatively a more up-to-date version of FBLib is maintained in the tiOPF repository in the 3rdParty/FBLib directory.